Alhama de Murcia public pool and gymnasium seasons summer 2024
Longer opening hours than in previous years as Alhama encourages physical exercise!
Details have been released of the summer swimming and gymnastics activities offered by the Department of Sport in the Town Hall of Alhama de Murcia during the summer of 2024, which are to be held at the open-air pool and the Guadalentín sports complex.
One of the innovations this year is a swimming course for adults at 8.30 in the morning, while the pool will also be open to all at the same time.
Similarly, the gymnasium is also open for longer hours than in the past: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.30 to 13.00 and on Saturday from 10.00 to 13.00, as well as Monday and Friday afternoons from 15.00 to 22.00.
Two month-long mini-seasons are open for registration, the first from June 24 to July 19 and the second from July 22 to August 14.
Fixed prices have been set at 47.40 euros per month and 23.70 euros per fortnight for over-16s, and 36.90 euros per month and 18.45 euros per fortnight for under-16s. The fee for retirees is 21.10 or 10.55 euros.
Age 3 to 12: 10.20, 11.10, 12.00
Age 13 to 16: 10.20, 11.10
Over 16s: 8.30, 9.30, 20.00
Hydrorider and Aquagym: 9.30, 20.00
Open to all: 8.30 to 9.30
Registration is open at the Concejalía de Deportes or online here.
(NOTE: Discounts are applied for the disabled, the unemployed, large or single-parent families and members of local school AMPA associations among others).
The open-air pool is open to the public from June 22 to September 1 as follows:
Monday to Thursday: 14.00 to 20.00
Friday: 14.00 to 21.00
Saturday: 11.00 to 21.00
Sunday: 11.00 to 20.00
Over- 16s: 2.50 euros
Under-16s, disabled and retirees: 2.00 euros
Ten admissions: 20 euros (16 euros for children the disabled and retirees)
Gymnasium at the Complejo Deportivo Guadalentín
Timetable in July and August
Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 8.30 to 13.00, Monday and Friday afternoons 15.00 to 22.00, Saturday mornings 10.00 to 13.00.
One-day admission: 3.20 €
15 sessions: 38.40 €
30 sessions: 67.20 €
Flat rate entry is available to over-18s for 25 euros and to under-18s for 20 euros, providing daily access to the gym and the pool during public availability timetables for one calendar month.
For more information about Alhama, including news and upcoming events, visit the local tourist office or go to the home page of Alhama Today.
Oficina de Turismo de Alhama de Murcia
Alhama de Murcia Tourist information office is located on the edge of the Plaza de la Constitución, just a few metres away from the underground car park and the Town hall of Alhama de Murcia.
The tourist office offers free guided audiotours in English which take visitors around the historical sites of interest in Alhama. These be loaned at any time, although allow an hour and a half to complete the tour, and when loaning the audio equipment visitors are asked to leave passports or ID cards with the tourist office.
The office also carries a full range of leaflets for the archaeological museum of Los Baños, which is built around the historic spa which gives Alhama its name, and the mountains of Sierra Espuña, which is also an important area within the municipality of Alhama. Areas such as El Berro and Gebas have a number of interesting routes which can be followed and there are several picnic areas and good walking routes within the Sierra Espuña natural park.
The tourist office also carries leaflets for the many cultural events and fiestas which take place in Alhama throughout the year, including Los Mayos, Semana Santa, Christmas,the Romería of La Candelaria and the Auto de los Reyes Magos in El Berro.
Opening Hours
Winter (September 16 – May 31)
- Tuesday to Friday: 9am-2pm and 4.30pm-7.30pm
- Saturdays: 10am-1pm
- Sundays and Mondays: closed
Summer (June 1 to September 15)
- Tuesday to Friday: 08.30 to 14.30
- Saturdays: 10.00 to 13.00
- Sundays and Mondays: closed
For more local information, including news and forthcoming events, visit the home page of Alhama Today.