Date Published: 29/08/2024
Mazarron council opposes huge fish farm off the coast of the bay
The project could represent a threat to the habitat of other species, the local fishing fleet of Mazarrón and tourism
The Town Hall of Mazarrón has joined with local and regional environmental groups in condemning plans for Ocean Aquaculture to install a giant fish farm off the coast of the bay on the grounds that it would be harmful to the natural ecosystem of this part of the Mediterranean.
The local government is demanding that the regional government reconsider the decision to allow the fish farm, where the intention is to breed and “harvest” amberjacks and croakers at a distance of approximately 7 km from the shore of Mazarrón and 6 km from La Azohía. Their fear is that damage would be done to the coral formations and the species which live there over a massive area of 455 hectares (or 4.5 square kilometres), all of it within a Special Conservation Area.
In addition, the Town Hall points out that the accumulation of fish excrement, ammonium and fish food would have negative consequences for marine biodiversity and the local ecosystem, possible ridding the bay of rays, loggerhead turtles and sea mammals, particularly the bottlenose dolphin, which is classified as “vulnerable” in the area.
In short, as Mayor Ginés Campillo states, the project causes “totally unnecessary harm and brings the municipality no benefit, only profits for a few at the expense of the wellbeing of the majority”.
It is also fair to say that the installation of a fish farm of this size could be a direct threat to the local fishing fleet and have a negative effect on tourism.
Image: Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
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