February 1 and 2 Fiestas de la Candelaria in Alhama de Murcia
The Candlemas romería has been held in Alhama for over 200 years
Alhama de Murcia is one of the many towns in Spain to celebrate Candlemas and the feast day of the Virgen de la Candelaria on 2nd February, and has done so for over 200 years, with the main event being a "Romería" in which the figure of the of the Virgen is returned to her sanctuary above the town after being brought down into Alhama on Christmas Day.
The Romeria is part of the fiestas of Candlemas, which is when the infant Jesus was presented in the Temple according to the Gospel of Luke. It has certainly been held in Alhama for at least the last 200 years, and in modern times the level of participation has been growing as more and more old traditions are revived.
The route is a hort one at only about 3 kilometres, and offers an easy walk from the church of San Lázaro to the chapel known in the Paraje del Collao, between the hill on which the castle of Alhama stands and the mountains behind. On the evening before the big day, Mass is held in the parish church of La Concepción before the Virgen is transferred to San Lázaro.
The events scheduled in 2025 inclkude the following:
Saturday February 1
19.30: Choral Mass in the Iglesia de la Concepción with the Edad de Oro group, followed by the procession of the figure of the Virgin to the church of San Lázaro (along Rambla D. Diego, Corredera and Calle La Feria).
The evening closes with the singing of the Serenata de Los Zalameros.
Sunday February 2
10.00: Mass in honour of La Candelaria at the church of San Lázaro with the Cantores de Alhama.
11.00: The Romería with the figure of the Virgen de la Candelaria begins with music on the way provided by Aires de Espuña, Músicos de Sonata and Los Gauchos.
Route: Rambla D. Diego, Rambla San Roque, Ermita del Padre Manuel and up the hill, where Mass is held.
14.00: The traditional communal paella is served!
15.00: Inflatable play area for children.
For more local information in English about Alhama de Murcia including news and what's on go to the home page of Alhama Today.
Tourist Office Alhama de Murcia, Plaza Constitucion. Frente Auditorio, nº 10, 30840, ALHAMA DE MURCIATel: 968 633 512
Oficina de Turismo de Alhama de Murcia
Alhama de Murcia Tourist information office is located on the edge of the Plaza de la Constitución, just a few metres away from the underground car park and the Town hall of Alhama de Murcia.
The tourist office offers free guided audiotours in English which take visitors around the historical sites of interest in Alhama. These be loaned at any time, although allow an hour and a half to complete the tour, and when loaning the audio equipment visitors are asked to leave passports or ID cards with the tourist office.
The office also carries a full range of leaflets for the archaeological museum of Los Baños, which is built around the historic spa which gives Alhama its name, and the mountains of Sierra Espuña, which is also an important area within the municipality of Alhama. Areas such as El Berro and Gebas have a number of interesting routes which can be followed and there are several picnic areas and good walking routes within the Sierra Espuña natural park.
The tourist office also carries leaflets for the many cultural events and fiestas which take place in Alhama throughout the year, including Los Mayos, Semana Santa, Christmas,the Romería of La Candelaria and the Auto de los Reyes Magos in El Berro.
Opening Hours
Winter (September 16 – May 31)
- Tuesday to Friday: 9am-2pm and 4.30pm-7.30pm
- Saturdays: 10am-1pm
- Sundays and Mondays: closed
Summer (June 1 to September 15)
- Tuesday to Friday: 08.30 to 14.30
- Saturdays: 10.00 to 13.00
- Sundays and Mondays: closed
For more local information, including news and forthcoming events, visit the home page of Alhama Today.
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Office 968 018 268