February 29 Friends of Mazarron Animals Charity Auction at Bar El Ancla Isla Plana
Charity Auction of model boats in aid of Friends of Mazarron Animals at Bar El Ancla, Isla Plana
Get ready to set sail towards solidarity at a Charity Auction of model boats in aid of Friends of Mazarron Animals at Bar El Ancla, Calle Mayor, Isla Plana on Thursday, February 29 starting at 6.00 pm.
What is up for auction? Nothing less than show boats donated by Mike, resident of Isla Plana and a true animal lover. These boats are not only beautiful, but they also help animals!
All funds raised go towards helping the animals in our care.
Please contact the team at FMA for more information:
Private message the FMA Facebook page at Friends of Mazarrón Animals
Events and Reservations +34 711 036 388 (WhatsApp)
Animal Enquiries +34 711 032 574 (WhatsApp or Message) Spanish and English
Join our teaming group. Donate just 1€ per month Click here.
Donations can be made using
Bank Account ES39 3058 0206 9227 2050 7854 (BIC CCRIES2AXXX)
PAYPAL fma.murcia@gmail.com
14.473 association registration number, CIF G30917330 Friends of Mazarrón Animals
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