Folk dancing festival in Abanilla, first weekend of August
Grupo de coros y danzas Stma. Cruz de Abanilla
Folk dancing is a core element of Abanilla traditions
Abanilla is a municipality which still retains many of its customs and traditions, linked to the agricultural farmlands which are such an essential part of the local economy.
Amongst the traditions preserved is folkdancing, the jotas, malagueñas and seguidillas which have formed part of the tradition of celebrations in the municipality for centuries, still performed today.
At the core of the folkdancing is the Grupo de coros y danzas Stma. Cruz de Abanilla, which was founded in 1940 with the aim of preserving the traditional dances and music of the municipality and its outlying districts, teaching and documenting the dances for future generations.
The group was officially registered in 1980 and has since participated in countless festivals both in Spain and abroad, as well as holding its own annual festival of folk dancing at the beginning of August every year.
This normally takes place on the first weekend of the month and offers a chance to enjoy the traditional music of the municipality in an atmospheric open-air gala, with free entry.
Click for more information about the Abanilla municipality
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