La Torre Owners Association
The community of owners looks after the interests of property owners on the resort

The Community of Owners gives resort information for those owning property on La Torre Golf Resort, and provides etiquette procedures for those visiting the resort on a short-term rental or temporary basis. Their website deals with the daily issues on site and carries information which will be useful for new and existing owners.
The issues which cause the greatest misunderstandings for visitors are the following:
Use of wristbands
Each property has been issued with 6 wristbands, which act as a means of identification of residents and guests for the benefit of security personnel on site. This is a means of ensuring that only authorised residents and guests use the swimming pools and tennis court facilities, and making sure that the resort is safe. Guests are requested to use the wristbands when enjoying the facilities as security personnel will request those not wearing wristbands to leave. Replacement cost of lost wristbands is 25 euros each, as laid down in the community charges.
Rubbish disposal
Visitors are requested to use the recycling bins provided around the resort rather than the small bins which are provided for litter in order to dispose of their daily waste. Visitors are also requested not to dump rubbish by the bins, and to take greenwaste or unwanted household items to the nearest eco-recycling park.There are two ‘eco-park’ recycling facilities in the Torre Pacheco municipality:
Torre Pacheco
Avda. Gerardo Molina, s/n (next to the railway line)
Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
10:00 – 14:00
16:30 – 19:30
Tel: 968 585 340
Torre Pacheco (Roldán)
C/ José López Portillo; Industrial Estate A.U.I. Nº 6 (Poligono Industrial de Roldán)
Directions from resort: From rear entrance, head for Roldán on the RM-F12 then take the 3rd exit at the first roundabout, signposted for Roldán. Take the first left, for Roldan Commercial, go across the first roundabout, then at the second roundabout turn left and left again.
Opening hours: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00 - 14:00 and 16:30 - 19:00
Feral cats
Incorrect disposal of rubbish exacerbates the problems faced by some parts of the resort due to feral cats. The Owner’s community respectfully requests that visitors do not feed or encourage these wild cats, and warns of the dangers of children attempting to play with the kittens as the mothers can be quite aggressive. The resort owners have been undertaking a programme of neutering to try and limit the increase in numbers, so please advise if kittens are sighted so that neutering of the mother can be undertaken.
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