Date Published: 16/12/2024
LADCC Photo of the Year 2024
Here is the winning image for the whole year, from the Los Alcázares Digital Camera Club (LADCC)
Every month throughout this past year, LADCC members have been actively taking photos from around the world on a wide range of topics. Following a very positive AGM and a most enjoyable ‘end of season’ Christmas dinner, held at the Las Claras centre in Los Alcázares, members were asked to vote on their favourite photo from all of the monthly winning images.
There were actually 14 photos to choose from as there were two months where there were ties for first place, the standard being extremely high. However, this time the scoring system was deliberately changed. Instead of voting for technique and artistic impression, the members gave each photo (except their own) a mark from 1 to 10, bringing their own personal preferences into play.
Debra Duncan, who had won two monthly competitions this past year, came out on top with her outstanding photo “Eyes on you” featured in August’s ‘Macro competition’.

LADCC’s winning image of 2024, brilliantly captured by Debra Duncan!
LADCC also run another competition throughout the year. The scores for each photo from each monthly competition are totalled and carried forward every month. As a result of this, Gary Hull was awarded the annual trophy for his consistency in scoring highly throughout the year. Gary is a man of few words but was absolutely delighted to receive this award at the Club’s AGM and was seen to do a little celebratory dance. However, he refused to allow that photo to be printed, so here he is pictured with the trophy.

The club usually meets twice a month with an indoor ‘workshop’ on the first Tuesday of every month and, often, an outing toward the end of the month where the group gets together to collectively work on the monthly competition. The club welcomes new members, either visitors or residents, as with modern day technology we can all keep in contact for training sessions and sharing knowledge via ‘group chats’. If you would like to come along to a meeting, please contact LADCC, as below, in order to receive an appropriate warm welcome.
If you would like more information about the Club, you can visit the website or email
Share the pleasure of photography in the Mar Menor area
The Los Alcázares Digital Camera Club (LADCC) was founded in 2006 and was originally called the LA Digital Cafe, where members met over a coffee to discuss photography. This quickly developed into a more formal programme of monthly photo competitions and outings to places of photographic interest.
Over the years, the club has adapted to the changes in camera technology and techniques, and continued throughout Covid by using ‘Zoom’ for online meetings and learning sessions.
Fast forward to 2024, and the club is now a small, enthusiastic, friendly group where members encourage and support each other at the start of, and throughout, their photographic journey. The group includes a wide range of people with varying skills, all of whom are happy to share techniques, tips and ideas to improve one’s hobby.
They have monthly competitions and outings that provide an opportunity to explore different aspects of photography and develop camera craft and artistic skills. Their indoor sessions may include in-house training, reviews of monthly competitions or planning outings to cover topics discussed.
They meet once a month at the ‘Centro Cultural las Claras’ in Los Narejos, which has super facilities and ample parking. Any outings are usually towards the end of the month to link in with our regular competitions.
New members are most welcome and if you would like more information, please make contact as follows:
- Website:
- Jill, via email:
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