Municipal libraries in the municipality of San Javier
Opening hours and maps for libraries in the San Javier municipality
Biblioteca Pública Municipal "Santa Mónica" de San Javier
Calle Coronel Fernández Tudela, 29 (the street in which the market is held)
30730 San Javier
Click for map, Calle Coronel Fernández Tudela, 29
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm
Study Room: 9am to Midnight, Saturdays from 9am to 9pm and extended hours prior to exams.
Telephone 677551040
Book lending and reading service, internet access, copies of national press, photocopier,children's storytelling, exhibition space
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de Santiago de la Ribera
Calle Acacias, S/N Centro Cívico Príncipe de Asturias
30720 Santiago de la Ribera (San Javier)
Click for map, Biblioteca Municipal de Santiago de la Ribera
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday 10.00 to 13:30 and 16:30 to 19:30
Friday 09:30 to 13:30
Telephone 968 573 700 ext. #5121/ 661561071
5 internet access points, lending service, national and regional press; on Friday mornings activities are held for children.
Biblioteca Pública Municipal de La Manga del Mar Menor
Urbanización Castillo de Mar
30380 La Manga del Mar Menor (San Javier)
Click for map, Biblioteca Castillo de Mar
Opening Hours:
From 9.30am to 14:00 Monday to Friday
From 4pm to 7pm Tuesday and Thursday
Telephone 968 141 399 / 672331468
Click for more information about the municiapality of San Javier.
Contact Spanish News Today: Editorial 966 260 896 /
Office 968 018 268