Date Published: 01/03/2024
Murcia photo of the month March 2024
Here’s the top image of the month for March 2024, taken by the Los Alcázares Digital Camera Club (LADCC)
The winter months in Murcia can often provide some delightful weather and, indeed, January 2024 proved to be one of the Region’s warmest. This also means that our winter skies can be filled with vast arrays of colour.
Such was the challenge put to the Los Alcazares Digital Camera Club (LADCC) throughout February for their monthly competition entitled ‘Sky’.
Each month the camera club have a topic chosen for their competition and it is up to the photographer to determine how to best interpret the title photographically. The members then assess the entries based on artistic interpretation and technique.
February’s competition saw some great interpretations of ‘Sky’. You can see the full range of photos by visiting the website
New member, Sally Gasston, managed to capture a beautiful winter’s moment on the Mar Menor, where the sea met the sky on a still, peaceful day, and was judged the winner by the group.
Sally managed to capture this shot using her iPhone 12. Other members’ photos managed to capture a wide range of spectacular colours and drama within the title.
Sally commented after winning the competition that, by using her iPhone to capture the moment, “It shows that the best camera to use is the one you have with you at the time!”
LADCC members use all different types of cameras, so if you like taking pictures and want to join them on a visit, bring whatever camera you have!

Next month’s competition is entitled ‘Spanish Architecture’ which opens itself up to a number of interpretations of exceptional architecture, not only in Murcia but around the country.
LADCC meet twice a month, usually with an indoor discussion group or tutorial, and once a month embark on a local outing. They keep a check on the many local fiestas and events to give members the opportunity to explore and learn photographic skills. They also run a monthly competition open to all members, and also to guests to try out the club. The idea is to encourage each other to improve their skills and to gain knowledge from other like-minded enthusiasts. Whilst the group meets in Los Alcázares (in the Centro Cultural Las Claras, Los Narejos), participants from all around the area are encouraged to come and join.
If you would like further information visit or to come along and join please contact:
- Jill via email
- Margaret by calling 0034 676 346 118 or 0034 968 575 760
Image: Sally Gasston
Share the pleasure of photography in the Mar Menor area
The Los Alcázares Digital Camera Club (LADCC) was founded in 2006 and was originally called the LA Digital Cafe, where members met over a coffee to discuss photography. This quickly developed into a more formal programme of monthly photo competitions and outings to places of photographic interest.
Over the years, the club has adapted to the changes in camera technology and techniques, and continued throughout Covid by using ‘Zoom’ for online meetings and learning sessions.
Fast forward to 2024, and the club is now a small, enthusiastic, friendly group where members encourage and support each other at the start of, and throughout, their photographic journey. The group includes a wide range of people with varying skills, all of whom are happy to share techniques, tips and ideas to improve one’s hobby.
They have monthly competitions and outings that provide an opportunity to explore different aspects of photography and develop camera craft and artistic skills. Their indoor sessions may include in-house training, reviews of monthly competitions or planning outings to cover topics discussed.
They meet once a month at the ‘Centro Cultural las Claras’ in Los Narejos, which has super facilities and ample parking. Any outings are usually towards the end of the month to link in with our regular competitions.
New members are most welcome and if you would like more information, please make contact as follows:
- Website:
- Jill, via email:
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