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Beautiful flowers, delivered fresh from Garden Boutique florist in MurciaNeed fresh flowers delivered in Murcia? There’s one place everyone turns for their bouquets... Looking for a reliable florist in Murcia that delivers stunning fresh flowers right to your door? Garden Boutique is your go-to florist, offering beautifully..

5 garden plants that will keep mosquitos at bayThese natural repellents will keep your gardens and patios mosquito-free this summer The Spanish summer is once more stretching ahead of us, with days made for sunbathing and refreshing dips in the ocean and long, balmy evenings, perfect for catching up..
Aloe Saponaria, superb ground cover or specimen plant for any dry spanish gardenEssential plants for dry Spanish gardening, Aloe Saponaria, one of a gardeners best friends There is no point fighting the Spanish climate and trying to plant sappy flowers with soft leaves, in order to create dry landscapes which will survive the hot.. 14/06/2010

Oleanders, how to propagate and important information about the dangers of pruning them Gardening in Spain, Oleanders are extremely easy to propagate and very useful in a dry garden Oleanders are one of the most popular choices for hedging or for filling up large, empty spaces, and can also be extremely useful as topiary specimen trees in..
Propagating lavender and enjoying one of the best dry landscaping plants at your disposal Gardening in Murcia, how to propagate lavender Lavender is one of the most important staples of Mediterranean gardening, the glorious vision of idyllic stone cottages drifting in an undulating sea of fragrant lavender a favourite choice for lifestyle..
Propagating Ice plants, one of the easiest and best plants for this dry climate Gardening in Spain, Propagating Ice plants, a gardeners best friend. Were calling a whole selection of plants by this name, to avoid typing excessively long names and muddling up our lampranthus, delosperma and drosanthemums. For simplicities.. 14/05/2010

Spanish Gardening- Basic propagation techniques, Agave Americana Costa Cálida Gardening, Propagating Agaves These are the simplest plants to both grow or propagate. Their striking, architectural shapes dominate Spanish hillsides and fincas, grown for their extreme drought tolerance, low maintenance requirements.. 06/09/2009

Propagating Aeoniums Costa Cálida Gardening, aeoniums are a dry gardeners best friend These beautiful, structural plants are one of the Spanish gardeners’ best friends, perfectly suited to the Spanish climate, requiring virtually no maintenance and ideal for..
Jobs for March/April, Cut back Aloe Arborescens How to take cuttings from Aloe Arborescens CUT BACK Aloe Arborescens after flowering. This stunningly architectural plant has had it’s moment, so now’s the time to cut off the spent flower spike s and tidy the plant up for the summer..

Jobs for March/ April, Transplanting Osteospermums and taking cuttings Taking cuttings from osteospermums Gardening well in Spain requires adaptation. Searing summer heat, torrential autumn rains, fierce spring winds and rock laden soil present a challenging obstacle for all but the most resilient of plants, so the.. 24/03/2009

Dividing and clearing canna plants Cannas grow well in sun or shade and spread rapidly  .. 23/03/2009

Jobs for March/ April - cutting back Lantanas Lovely Lantanas During the winter months the lantana provides an almost continual show of ecstatic colour, rightfully earning its´place as a must have for the less energetic or water conscious gardener, its´vibrant, sunny.. 23/03/2009
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