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RomerÃa de San Roque, Blanca The annual romería takes place on Friday morning in the first of two sets of fiestas in honour of the saint One of the central events of the annual Fiestas in Blanca in honour of San Roque is the Romería held in honour of its patron.. 13/04/2015
The Fiestas de San Roque in Blanca (April and August) San Roque protected Blanca from the plague in 1828 The local fiestas in honour of San Roque which are held in the town and municipality of Blanca are unusual for a variety of reasons, the main one being that they are held not only on and around the.. 07/04/2015
Domingo de Piñata in BLanca: San Roque retreats for LentSan Roque will return to Blanca for the spring fiestas Every year Blanca celebrates Carnival, which takes place 40 days before Easter Sunday and signals the beginning of Lent. Carnival is becoming a larger event every year across Spain, as tens of..
Certamen de Folklore Villa de Blanca Annual Folk Festival in Blanca Folk music and dancing are essential core elements of the traditions and customs of Blanca and the Ricote Valley and Blanca has its own dedicated Folk Dancing and musical group, the Peña Huertana La Capaza, with music..
Despedida de las Benditas Ãnimas in Blanca on 6th January This annual tradition bids farewell to the souls of the departed The origins of the Despedida de las Benditas Ánimas in Blanca are lost in history At the end of the festive season Spain celebrates Epiphany, when the Three Kings bring cheer.. 08/01/2015
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