Sign up now for the 2023-24 Mazarron Universidad Popular courses
Six levels of Spanish for foreigners are among the courses offered this year in Mazarrón
The registration period opens on Monday September 25 for the 2023-24 courses organized by the Universidad Popular de Mazarrón, with a wide range of subjects including six levels of Spanish for those who are trying to learn the language.
These Spanish language courses are usually well attended by a wide range of nationalities, reflecting the multinational nature of the local population, and offer a helping hand for those of us who would like to improve our level of conversational ability in the country where we have chosen to live. Classes are normally held twice a week and last from the third week of October to the end of May.
Apart from the Spanish language courses there are almost 50 other subjects, including computing, artificial intelligence, home economics, accountancy, French, Spanish guitar, art, painting, photography, drama, various forms of physical training, yoga, local history, a reading club and others. Similarly, there are courses specifically designed for children and young adults.
Registration can be carried out at the office of the Universidad Popular between 9.00 and 14.00, while it is also possible to join by telephone on 968 591766 or online at Those registering online must send proof of payment showing the name of the student to
The initial payment covers the classes from October to January inclusive – some courses are programmed only for the first four months.
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