Until September 30 Family activities at the European Jewish Culture celebrations in Lorca
Guided tours and visits, fun and games and a Sephardic Jewish menu at the castle are among the attractions in Lorca during September
A series of “Jornadas Europeas de la Cultura Judía” is being held throughout the month of September in the city of Lorca, featuring visits to the imposing castle, the old Jewish quarter. The remains of the medieval synagogue and the opportunity to sample genuine Sephardic Jewish gastronomy.
These events are organized by the Town Hall department of Tourism along with the Spanish Jewish Communities Network and the European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Heritage, the aim being to showcase the diversity, wealth and historical significance of Judaism, and in this sense one of the centrepieces of the month is Room XII at the Museo Arqueológico de Lorca (MUAL), which is dedicated exclusively to the findings made during the excavation of the medieval Jewish quarter and synagogue, alongside the castle.
The motif of the official poster and many of the events is a tree, designed to represent how culture is transmitted through the generations, and the events are summarized as follows:
Every Saturday: the guided tour “Jugando en el Sefarad”, which begins at 18.30 at the castle. The visit includes various games as participants play while they learn, and bookings should be made online here. Price: 10.50 euros for over-16s, 8.50 euros for under-16s.
Gastronomy every day: this package includes entry to 3 areas of Lorca castle - the Synagogue at 11.00, the Torre Alfonsina at 12.00 and the Torre del Espolón at 13.00 – before enjoying a Sephardic menu at the Restaurante Las Caballerizas. Bookings should be made online here at a price of 35 euros for adults including the lunch (children without lunch free of charge).
The medieval Jewish quarter and synagogue: this visit is available every day at 11.00 and 14.00 (and 16.30 on Saturdays) and consists of a guided tour of the centre of the medieval Jewish quarter until the late 15th century. The price is 4 euros for adults and 3.75 euros for children and others entitled to discounts. Click here for online booking.
September 14: Lorca Sefardí Ayer y Hoy, a guided tour which starts at 12.00 with a visit to the Lorca archaeological museum and also includes the embroidery museums of the Paso Blanco and the Paso Azul. Costing 12 euros for adults, 10 euros for 13- to 16-year-olds and free for under-13s, online booking is available here.
For more local events, news and visiting information go to the home page of Lorca Today.
Oficina de Turismo de Lorca
The rich and extensive history of Lorca has left a legacy of archaeological sites, and historic buildings, around which the modern City has built its tourism industry. Amongst these are Lorca Castle, the Jewish Quarter of the castle and Synagogue, Plaza de España, Colegiata de San Patricio, Museo de Arqueologico Municipal, Iglesia de San Francisco, Casa Huerto Ruano, Palacio de Guevara, Iglesia de San Mateo, Pósito de los Panaderos, Convento Virgen de las Huertas, Antiguo Convento de la Merced, Iglesia del Carmen and the Teatro Guerra.
Unfortunately Lorca has also been prone to natural disaster, suffering a Gota Fría on September 28th 2012, as well as an earthquake which measured 5.3 on the Richter scale on 11th May 2011 and claimed 9 lives. Since this earthquake the city has been rebuilding, winning recognition for its Lorca, Open for Restoration initiative, which used the restoration of the city as a tourist attraction whilst it rebuilt its historical buildings, some of which are currently still not open.
The tourist office itself has temporarily relocated until the renovations are completed and is on Calle San Patricio near the church.
Lorca also has an area of coastline incorporating the Parque Regional de Cabo Cope - Puntas de Calnegre, in the Sierra de Almenara, which includes the beaches of, Puntas de Calnegre, Baño de las Mujeres, San Pedro, El Siscal, Cala Honda, Cuartel del Ciscar, Junquera, Cala de la Gruta, Cala Leña, Los Hierros, Cala Blanca and Playa Larga, although many are accessible only through agricultural exploitations.
However, in spite of its many attractions, the name of Lorca is synonymous with Easter, (Semana Santa) its biblical parades of International Tourist Interest status and famous throughout Spain. The week includes a series of parades in which the whites (Paso Blanco) and blues (Paso Azúl) try to outdo each other with the magnificence of their embroideries and the skill and daring of their horsemen.
Lorca also has a Parador hotel, located within the complex of its historic castle.
Opening hours for Lorca Tourist Office:
- Monday to Friday: 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 19.00.
- Saturday: 10.00 to 14.00 and 16.30 to 18.30.
- Sunday: 10.00 to 14.00.
For more local news, events and visiting information go to the home page of Lorca Today