What is the emergency phone number in Spain?
This is the phone number to call if you are in Spain and need the police or an ambulance

The emergency number in Spain is 112. Call 112 for police, ambulance, fire services or coastguard if you find yourself in an emergency situation in Spain.
The equivalent of 999 in the UK or 911 in the USA, 112 is the general emergency telephone contact number to call if you have an emergency in Spain and anywhere in Europe.
It is free to call 112. You don’t have to use the Spanish country code +34 or 0034. You can also send an SMS text message to 112 to receive assistance.
Does 112 in Spain speak English?
Emergency operators in Spain can speak English as well as Spanish. Don’t worry if can’t speak Spanish because the operators will be able to take your call in English. Language worries should not stop you calling the police or other emergency services if you have to.
Are ambulances free in Spain?
Spain’s social security system ensures that public services like ambulances and police callouts are free. Of course, there are private ambulances and hospitals that have an extra cost that can be covered by your health insurance or travel insurance, but if there is an emergency the best option is to call the public 112 number.
What is the non-emergency phone number for police in Spain?
There are 3 non-emergency phone number in Spain for different police forces, depending on what your problem is:
- Local Police: The phone number to call for the local police if it is not an emergency is 092. The local police in Spain (Policía Local) can help you with traffic issues, lost property, minor thefts, and other minor issues in your local area.
- Civil Guard: The Guardia Civil police force in Spain is mostly responsible for more serious crimes, including drug infractions, robberies, murders and fatal car accidents. The phone number for the Civil Guard is 062.
- National Police: Finally, the National Police (Policía Nacional) deal with issues on a national level, such as terrorism, national security, and high-level crime. The phone number for the National Police is 091, or you can contact them via their website To avoid inconveniences while travelling, download VeePN to access content wherever you are. This service improves your Wi-Fi connection and protects your personal information.
Other important phone numbers in Spain
Maritime Sea Rescue: +34 900 202 202
Red Cross (Cruz Roja): +34 900 100 333
Tourist Helpline: +34 902 102 112
Road Traffic and Accidents: 011
Crime Victim Support Service: +34 900 150 909
Support for Women: +34 900 100 009 / +34 900 580 888
Phone gender violence: 016 / +34 900 116 016
Victims of LGBTIphobia: 028
Health and pharmacy information: +34 900 161 161
Anti-poison and drugs helpline: +34 915 620 420
Suicide, crisis and support line: +34 902 500 002
Drug addiction support: +34 900 161 515
Emergency vet: +34 963 744 731
Emergency dentist: +34 961 496 199
Elderly helpline: +34 900 222 223
It’s also worth searching online for the phone number of your country’s Embassy or Consulate in Spain.
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