Camposol car park: Business Association and volunteer groups unite
The overflow car park for Camposol B Sector Commercial Centre is taking shape with help from various groups
An overflow car park to the north of the Camposol B Sector Commercial Centre is taking shape. Although the ground has been used for sometime as an unofficial car park, the access turned into a quagmire every time it rained. To solve this the Camposol Business Association looked into measures to alleviate the muddy situation.
Firstly, as the land is privately owned permission was obtained from the owner. Then various companies were approached for solutions. After studying various proposals put forward by interested companies it was decided to go with a project which included laser levelling of the ground and laying and rolling artificial gravel where the mud problem areas were. This project came at a cost of just over €1100 which was approved by the members.
Although other proposals submitted were more extensive they were also considerably more costly and when considering expenditure, the association are mindful that the land is privately owned and the owner, whilst having provided permission for the works, could decide at a future date to make other use of the land or sell it on.
B Clean Gardening Group volunteered to continue the oleander hedge they planted and maintain on the west of the land along the south side. The work is now well under way and should be finished in the next week or so. Gardening groups Greenfingers from Sector C and Camposol D Community and Gardening Group both made generous donations towards the cost of the plants and Megarsa construction organised a mini digger which facilitated the installation of nearly 90 hedging plants in one morning along with two archways to provide access to the commercial centre. People using the car park are asked to use the two archways to avoid damaging the new plants.
It shouldn’t be forgotten that organised weekly litter picking by a group of residents from all sectors of the urbanisation has been ongoing for some time and will continue.
President of the Business Association, Julie Townsend said “It’s great to see the groups and association working together for the good of Camposol and hopefully the car park can now be used in all weathers”.
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