Date Published: 07/03/2023
ARCHIVED - March 8 International Womens Day 2023: Timetable of demonstrations and marches throughout Spain
A series of organised events will take place across Spain celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women

International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated every year on March 8, a day in which, for the last century, the achievements of women are recognised and celebrated around the world.
IWD also marks a call for a gender-equal world that is free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination and is diverse and inclusive while differences are valued and celebrated.
This year's theme is 'Embrace Equality' or #EmbraceEquity. The International Women's Day website says, "Equity isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a must-have. A focus on gender equity needs to be part of every society's DNA. And it's critical to understand the difference between Equity and Equality. The aim of the IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to get the world talking about 'Why equal opportunities aren't enough'."
Here's a breakdown of what's going on where in Spain, timetables and routes:
Two marches have been called in the capital.
- 12 noon: The Students' Union has called for a "feminist student strike" across Spain and will hold a demonstration in Puerta del Sol
- 6.30pm: The march of the Feminist Movement of Madrid will also follow Calle Atocha to the Plaza de las Provincias. They will call for the resignation of the Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, and the "reprobation" of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for "botches" such as the law of the "only yes is yes" and for laws that "erase" women such as the Trans Law.
- 7pm: A demonstration organised by the 8M Commission, close to Podemos, will move from Calle Atocha to Plaza de España.
- 12 noon: Mobilisation of the Students' Union in the Plaza de la Universidad de Barcelona.
- 6.30pm: Assemblea 8M march will start from the Plaza de la Universidad.
- 12 noon: Students' Union demo in Plaça Imperial Tarraco.
- 6pm: Plataforma 8M del Camp march will also depart from Plaça Imperial Tarraco.
- 6pm: Assemblea 8M demonstration in the Plaza Ricard Vinyes.
- 6.30pm: Coordinadora 8M de Lleida march departing from Plaça 8 de Març.
Valencia Region
Valencia city
- 5.30pm: Students' Union demo at the Faculty of History at the Blasco Ibáñez campus of the University of Valencia.
- 5.30pm: Feminist Assembly of Valencia march from the Zapadores CIE to the Plaza de la Virgen.
- 12 noon: Students' Union demo on the steps of the Jorge Juan.
- 6pm: Rally in the Plaza de la Aparadora called by the Assemblea 8M Elx.
- 12 noon: Students' Union rally at the Blas Infante roundabout.
- 5.30pm: The Feminists 8M collective and the Commission for Equality and Against Gender Violence have agreed to hold a single demonstration that will leave from the Subdelegation of the Government..
- 12 noon: Students' Union demonstration in Plaza Nueva.
- 6.30pm: Asamblea Feminista Unitaria rally at the Torre Pelli.
- 7.30pm: The Feminist Movement of Seville has organised an alternative demonstration at Plaza Nueva.
- 12 noon: Students' Union event in Plaza Asdrúbal.
- 6pm: 8M Cadiz Commission rally in Plaza Asdrubal.
- 12 noon: Students' Union demonstration in the Plaza de la Constitución.
- 12 noon: Students' Union demonstration in the Plaza del Carmen.
- 6pm: The Plataforma 8M/25M Feminismo Unitario de Graná has called for a march in Parque del Triunfo-Paseo del Salón.
- 12 noon: Student Union mobilisation in the Plaza de las Monjas.
- 7pm: Feminist Movement of Huelva march from the old Colombino.
- 12 noon: Student Union march in the Plaza de las Tendillas.
- 12 noon: Student Union mobilisation at the Puerta Purchena in Almería.
Although there will be events in multiple points in Galicia, this year there will not be a large unitary call that brings together protesters from the entire autonomous community, as was the custom before the pandemic.
A Coruña
- 12 noon: Student Union event at the Obelisco.
- 12 noon: Students' Union demo at the Farola Urzáiz.
- 8pm: Feminismo Unitario de Vigo event in Plaza de los Caballos.
- 12 noon: Students' Union mobilisation at the Xunta Building.
- 8pm: Rally called by the platform Marcha Mundial das Mulleres will start at Plaza Amada García.
- 8pm: The platform Marcha Mundial das Mulleres rally in Ourense Square.
- 8pm: The World March of Women platform meeting in the Xunta Building.
- 8pm: The World March of Women platform will meet at the Subdelegation of the Government.
Santiago de Compostela
- Santiago is the only place where there will be two demonstrations with the same starting point, Praza 8 de Marzo. There is one organised by Plataforma Feminista Galega at 7pm and one led by MMM at 8pm.
- 5.30pm: Melilla Feminista meet in Plaza Comandante Benitez.
- 12 noon: Student Union demonstration in Plaza del Pachís.
- 12 noon: Students' Union mobiisation in the Plaza de la Escandalera.
- 7pm: Asturies Feminista 8M event in Mieres.
- 7pm: The Movimiento Feminista de Murcia march from the Plaza de Fuensanta at 19:00.
- 7pm: Demonstration of the Asambleas abiertas feministas Cantabria begins at at the Rotonda de Puertochico in Santander.
- 8pm: The Plataforma Feminista de Plasencia (Feminist Platform of Plasencia) demonstration in the Plaza Mayor.
- 12 noon: Students Union call in the building of the Subdelegation of Government.
- 7.30pm: Plataforma Feminista Guadalajara demonstrations in the Plaza de Santo Domingo.
- 6pm: Coordinadora 8M Albacete meeting in Plaza Gabriel Lodares.
- 6pm: The Comando Vileta Cuenca will hold a meeting in the Plaza de Toros.
Castilla y León
- 12 noon: Bloque Crítico Feminista (Critical Feminist Block) event at the Fuente Dorada.
- 7pm: 8M Commission meeting in the Plaza de Guzmán.
- 7.30pm: Feminist Movement meet in Avenida Ordoño II.
- 8pm: The Feminist Movement of Salamanca will meet in Plaza de la Concordia.
- 7pm: 8M Segovia demonstration at the Rotonda del Pastor.
Basque Country
- 12 noon: Students' Union meet in Plaza Arriaga.
- 7.30pm: Event in Plaza Sagrado Corazón de Jesús called by Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feminista.
San Sebastian
- 12 noon: Students' Union meet in the Boulevard.
- 6.30pm: The Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feminista will meet in the Tunel del Antiguo.
- 12 noon: Mobilisation called by the Students' Union in Plaza de la Virgen Blanca.
- 7pm: Euskal Herriko Mugimendu Feminista event in Plaza de San Anton.
- 7pm. Gathering in Plaza de Zaragoza called by the Assembly 8M Huesca.
- 7pm: 8M Teruel and Coordinadora de Organizaciones Feministas Teruel rally in Plaza del Torico.
- 12 noon: Student demonstration in Plaza San Francisco.
- 7pm: 8M Zaragoza demo in Plaza Aragón and Glorieta Sasera.
Canary Islands
- 7pm: The Plataforma Feminista 8 de Marzo Lanzarote rally in the Plazuela, Arrecife.
Las Palmas
- 7pm: The Feminist Network of Gran Canaria rally in San Telmo Park.
- 7pm: The Plataforma Feminista 8M Tenerife meet in Plaza Weyler, Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Image: International Women's Day
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