ARCHIVED - Murcia health authority planning COVID and flu vaccinations for over 60s
The Murcia regional health authority plans vaccination campaign against Covid and flu pending the shipment of vaccines by the national Health Ministry
Regional Minister of Health, Juan José Pedreño indicated that the Region of Murcia is planning the vaccination campaign against Covid and against the flu and are “waiting for the Ministry to indicate the start date and send the doses.”
The proposal of the regional authority (SMS) is to simultaneously administer both vaccines to people over 60 years of age. At the moment, the Ministry has not communicated the number of Covid and flu vaccines that will be made available to the Region of Murcia or when they will be received.
Sr Pedreño stressed the "importance of speeding up delivery to achieve greater efficiency, reach the maximum population and obtain greater efficiency and economy of scale, but especially to be able to protect the most vulnerable population."
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